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Bigger Arms in 2 Weeks

We all want to have bigger arms. Lets face it, we want muscles that are bulging out of our shirts. We want our muscles to look massive from the side, back and head on like Sergio Olivia (professional bodybuilder in the featured image). The problem we run into is that is seems to take so long to get them that way. You might typically work on your chest, triceps, and legs on one day and do the back, biceps, shoulders, and abs on another. This is a great routine to keep following for overall strength and to constantly engage each muscle group every other day. The problem with this when trying to get bigger arms… if you add more workouts to concentrate on your arms, your body is already tired and you wont be able to work them out like you should.

So what should be done… Continue reading “Bigger Arms in 2 Weeks”

weight loss

Benefits of High Intensity Workouts for Men and Women

High Intensity Workouts are ideal for burning calories and fat. It is one of the quickest ways to get defined and minimize the time you have to workout each day. Most people spend hours running on treadmills hoping for results. There is nothing wrong with that since results will come in time. To expedite the result Fitness Drive recommends switching it up. Get off the treadmill and go running for real and see the world. Continue reading “Benefits of High Intensity Workouts for Men and Women”

Running To Better Abs

Lets face it… You want that polished look for your abs but it seems to be the hardest thing to develop. You have been doing tons of sit-ups and side bends and aren’t seeing the results. You are determined, I will give you that.

But realistically that is not all you have to do to shed the weight and burn the fat. Sad truth is that stomach fat is the last to drop off. When trying to change the fat to muscle ratio it doesn’t happen at a concentrated point rather than a proportionally. What this means is that you will lose little bits of fat from your legs, butt, back, arms, neck, and stomach proportionally. If that doesn’t make sense think of it this way, when was the last time you saw someone that had a flat stomach but the rest of their body was flabby, not thick as in muscle strength but flabby. When you see weight loss you see your entire image of a person shrinking inwards. If you are already fit and are developing your abs, surprise surprise, its the same way. The only difference is that you are toning the rest of your body while you are doing your abs by burning more fat all over. Once the heavy pockets of fat are burned off your abs, the muscles will then start to become visible. Continue reading “Running To Better Abs”

Fitness Drive Diets


Establishing what kind of diet is best for you is difficult enough and on top of that it is more difficult to stick to any particular one. It is especially difficult if includes you don’t or wont normally eat. So sticking to a diet directly relates to picking a plan that works for you and may be the most important in accomplishing your goal. Of course you should eat well balanced meals, take in plenty of greens and every other color of the rainbow but how much of that can you take in every day. Good news is that there is so much variety of delicious options that you don’t have to sacrifice your taste buds. Below you will find several diets that have shown tremendous results for several individuals. Fitness Drive has included a brief description below each one to help narrow down your choice. Take a look through the ones that you feel comfortable with and see what more it has to offer including reviews and timeline for your goals. Keep in mind that diets are based on individuals’ preferences and the success of each diet is solely based on ones own drive. [ Coming Soon: Use the “Create My Weekly Meal Plan” link to customize a plan that includes your favorites and to add some variety to your routine.]

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Below is an in depth evaluation of the top 7 “Gold Medal” Diets according to U.S. News. Click on the picture or the link to get a full description which will include everything you need to know to start or continue your goal. [The table at the bottom of the page ranks a total of 32 Diets. Following on the links will open a new window for the U.S. News Website.]


Fitness Drive DASH Diet

#1 – DASH Diet  (4.1 out of 5.0)

The DASH was first developed to fight high blood pressure, not as an all-purpose diet. But it certainly looked like an all-star to our panel of experts, who gave it high marks for its nutritional completeness, safety, ability to prevent or control diabetes, and role in supporting heart health. Though obscure, it beat out a field full of better-known diets.

How the DASH Diet works | DASH Diet recipes | DASH Diet reviews

Continue reading “Diets”